Nazir Agah


One Point


The shortest distance between two points is not a straight line. It’s the point. Having the vision to see the starting point and end point, from the vantage point of either end of a straight line, is the shortest distance. Being in two places at the same time may be close to impossible, but only as far as you allow those points to drift away from one another (in your mind). If you were to stand off to the side of two points such that you could see the straight line connecting them, walking that line may seem like an arduous journey you’re unwilling to take, especially if that line is a long distance. That's only one perspective, routed for travel with direct intent and logical reasoning.


A goal worth reaching without the path that leads there might seem like a pointless pursuit, but it's in fact the point. Viewing the starting point and end point connected by a straight line, as the same singular point is a lesson in how to fold space — how to be in two spaces at the same time. Instead of looking across the length of a tube, stare directly down the tube itself and you should see yourself standing on the other side, endlessly.

Focusing on the present moment as often as possible and training yourself to see your surroundings, will make you a better executor of ideas that are seemingly out of reach or out of sight. The endpoint is often the starting point, begging us to take our first step into the unknown. Maybe that’s what’s so revealing about light speed — having the ability to instantly (presently) see a single star from where you stand.

Nazir Agah